pride in the job awards

We are elated to share the exciting news that Tile Style Lancashire has played a pivotal role in the recent success of Wain Homes North West, who clinched the prestigious 2023 Pride in the Job Quality Award. This achievement is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to excellence that defines Tile Style Lancashire’s contributions as a valued member of the site team.

At Tile Style Lancashire, we take immense pride in being acknowledged for our integral role in Wain Homes North West’s journey to excellence. The award-winning site manager’s supervision provided a solid foundation, and our team’s relentless dedication complemented this vision, resulting in a harmonious collaboration that elevated the standards of quality in every project.

Our Invaluable Partnership:

Working alongside Wain Homes North West, we’ve had the privilege of contributing our expertise to create spaces that not only meet but exceed the highest industry standards. This award is not just a recognition of Tile Style Lancashire’s capabilities; it is a celebration of a collaborative partnership that values excellence, precision, and a shared commitment to quality.

A Commitment to Excellence:

Our journey with Wain Homes North West reflects our dedication to excellence in every aspect of our work. From the meticulous selection of tiles to the careful installation, we have strived to embody the values that define a Pride in the Job Quality Award-winning project.

Acknowledging Our Team:

We extend our gratitude to our exceptional team at Tile Style Lancashire, whose hard work and dedication have made this achievement possible. Each member has played an integral role in delivering outstanding results, showcasing our commitment to raising the standards of the house building industry.

Looking Ahead:

As we celebrate this success, we also look forward to the future. This achievement is a testament to the possibilities that arise when talented teams collaborate with a shared vision. We are excited about the projects ahead and the opportunity to continue contributing to the success of Wain Homes North West.

In conclusion, we express our sincere thanks to Wain Homes North West for the recognition and the opportunity to be part of their journey to excellence. The Pride in the Job Quality Award is not just a trophy; it is a symbol of the collective efforts, passion, and commitment that define our partnership.

Tile Style Lancashire is honored to have played a role in this success story, and we eagerly anticipate many more milestones in the future.

Thank you for being part of our journey.

Tile Style Lancashire Team

WHKM Price in the Job Award